Cách làm sữa hạnh nhân thuần chay

How to make vegan almond milk

Almond milk is naturally high in vitamin E, an antioxidant that helps fight disease. During processing, almond milk is often fortified with calcium and vitamin D. However, it is not...
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What to do with the remaining pulp after juicing

What can you do with the pulp left over after juicing? This is a common question among beginners and experienced juicers alike. To help inspire you, we’ve compiled the best...
Sherbet dâu tây

Strawberry Sherbet

The sweet and refreshing taste of strawberry Sherbet will appeal to both men and women of all ages.
Xoài và chuối xay nhuyễn

Mango and banana puree

Pureed fruit can be used as a spread on bread and baby food. Give your kids a snack with sweet mango and banana!
Sherbet dưa hấu

Watermelon Sherbet

Watermelon is delicious and even more delicious when served with milk.
Món khai vị rau và phô mai

Vegetable and cheese appetizer

This is a great snack for kids who don't like vegetables!
Công thức làm nước ép xanh cay

Spicy Green Juice Recipe

One of my new favorite juice recipes, and if this is something you must drink to detox and cleanse your body then trust me. Drinking green juice daily is one...
Sữa hạt điều với dâu tây và đào cùng Đầu bếp dinh dưỡng Gary Dowse

Cashew Milk with Strawberries and Peaches with Nutritionist Chef Gary Dowse

Describe This recipe was inspired by the combination of strawberries, peaches and cream as a dessert. The fruit flavors combine with the cashews to create a neutral flavor for the...