14 Cách để ăn nhiều rau hơn

14 Ways to Eat More Vegetables

Vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet. They help reduce the risk of chronic disease, lower blood pressure, improve digestion, and more. The recommended daily intake of vegetables...
Thế còn đường thì sao?

What about the road?

Natural sugar is always better than refined sugar! To create pure juice with minimal sugar content, you should use low-sugar fruits, avoid high-sugar fruits, and focus mainly on juicing vegetables....
Cách sử dụng nước đã rửa máy ép trái cây Kuvings

How to use water used to wash Kuvings juicer

Kuvings Cleaning Tip - Rinse with Water How to quickly wash the Kuvings juicer (Rinse quickly after juicing). Rinse the juicer with clean water to help push out any pulp...
Bạn có nên gọt vỏ nguyên liệu trước khi ép không?

Should you peel ingredients before juicing?

Discover the truth: Should you peel ingredients before juicing?Juicing? Not all fruits and vegetables need to be peeled. Some peels can be left on and some are better removed. Explore...
Thế còn chất xơ thì sao?

What about fiber?

So what happens to the fiber? This is a common question about juicing, and we’re happy to answer it! Before we get into the details, let’s take a look at...
Cách vệ sinh AUTO10 [KHS-2520CB]

How to clean AUTO10 [KHS-2520CB]

CLEANING TIPS 01 Rinse with water How to quickly wash the Kuvings juicer (Quick wash after juicing). Rinse the juicer with clean water to help push out all the pulp...
Cách tháo lắp AUTO10 [KHS-2520CB]

How to disassemble AUTO10 [KHS-2520CB]

How to assemble The press only works when properly assembled. 1. Install the pressing net into the rotating frame. The rotating frame is only for use with the juicer and...