What is cold pressed juice?

What is cold pressed juice?

With the increasing consumer concern for health and lifestyle
affluence, many product markets are reflecting this trend. Cold pressed juice is
a product of this trend and has become a popular drink in
in recent years. However, many consumers still do not clearly understand the definition.
What exactly does cold pressed juice mean and how does it differ from other juices?
normal trade

Cold-pressed juice is made using a specific process of extracting juice. Typically, cold-pressed juice is defined as unheated, unpasteurized juice that is pressed using a hydraulic press. These machines grind the ingredients into a fine pulp, which is then placed in a filter bag. They then apply a series of pressures to the bag, squeezing the liquid out of the pulp. This method is reminiscent of the days when ingredients were crushed and pressed by hand (or foot) to make wine. Hand-operated machines, like the one pictured to the right, were once used to press the ingredients and collect the juice.


Health benefits of Cold Pressing technology

You get more juice, more nutrients, more fridge time, more benefits from your fruits and vegetables.

Cold pressed juice is better than juice from a regular juicer because all the nutrients that are easily lost with heat like Vitamin C and raw enzymes are retained. Cold pressed juice also retains all the valuable nutrients that are “blown away” in a centrifugal juicer (which generates heat from the blades) to squeeze the juice from the fruits and vegetables. Honestly, most people don’t care too much about juicing.


With cold pressed juices , you will save more and it is also healthier to drink them.


Comparison of Slow Juicer and Centrifugal Juicer

So now you know a little about cold pressed juicing, including the pressing (or squeezing) of the juice.

fruits and vegetables to extract juice. Screw inside the juicer
rotates at about 52 rpm (repeats per minute)

- This speed is almost the same as the speed at which we chew food. This is what is called
is to use a "centrifugal juicer", a type of juicer that has rotating blades with
rotation speed about 12,000 rpm.

This pressing method is extremely fast, but unfortunately does not provide
much nutritional value because many vitamins and minerals are lost
during extraction!

When you put fruits and vegetables into a centrifugal juicer with rapidly rotating blades,
Those blades work like a machete - tearing through fruit and
vegetables and chop them so you can get the juice.

As the blades rotate, the juice is separated into the jug and the pulp becomes
into waste (or organic waste) in the pulp container.

The fast rotating blades naturally generate heat, which means any vitamins
Anything that is heat sensitive will not survive this process and will be destroyed.
before you get them. The result is a very thin, discolored juice.

The juice has begun to oxidize (decompose) naturally as it has to.
suck air into the machine to keep the blades spinning the way they do. You realize
This is true because if you leave this juice for a while, the water will separate from the solids.
soluble fiber (juice) due to the natural nature of the extraction process. The process
Oxidation begins as soon as the device rotates and tears the fruit with its metal blades.

This juice cannot be preserved and must be consumed immediately. Of course, you still
get some good stuff,
So don't worry, just do a little research on the two types of juicers.
plants are available in the market. The image below shows the difference between water
centrifugal juicer and slow juicer (or cold pressed juice).


While centrifugal juicers cut and grind at about 12,000 rpm,
Slow squeezer squeezes
and presses at a speed of about 50-60 rpm.


What about fiber?

Now, we don't always sit down to eat 10 carrots,
1 whole beetroot, 3 apples, 1 lemon and a thumb-sized piece of ginger –
We can't do that. But with a cold press, you can drink the juice.
Press immediately, and all the goodness of nature will enter every cell.
your cells immediately. The juice does not need to be digested, you have already done that.
that by removing the insoluble (non-degradable) fiber from it. So it
can begin, and it really begins!!!

While we're at it, let's talk about the "most controversial topic" - fiber.

Okay, we all know we need fiber. That's true. But trust me, when you eat plants - that is, fruits/vegetables - you get
are loaded with fiber. But did you know that fruits and vegetables contain two types of

Insoluble and soluble fiber.

Soluble fiber, as the name suggests, dissolves in water.

Insoluble fiber doesn't do this. Our bodies use both
two, but our cells only use soluble fiber. Insoluble fiber
Dissolved matter does not nourish our cells. Its job is to scavenge
our intestinal wall (like a broom) to move things out through the intestines.
They are actually a great internal cleaner, so we need to

However, when you juice, the insoluble fiber is removed.
This is a time when many people are desperate.

They know they need fiber, and when they see all that "pulp,"
Also known as insoluble fiber, falls into their jug ​​of pulp, they lose a
bit of reason. They worry that they are missing out on something.

And a lot of people try to use this pulp for baking and all sorts of things,
think it's the holy grail juice.

But that's a misconception. Soluble fiber is what nourishes

Soluble fiber contains all kinds of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants
good antioxidants and salts. Our cells need soluble fiber to survive!

“Insoluble fiber” does not dissolve in water, it remains intact and
flows through our digestive tract, absorbing fluids, clinging to products
another byproduct of the digestive process and essentially makes up our stool, which is
excrete through the bowels. That's his job. He's the one who cleans the house.
in our bodies. Insoluble fiber does not contain anything that is good for
our cells. Nothing. As I said before, the job of
he is to become a broom

Does cold pressed juice contain soluble fiber? Yes. Soluble fiber is
"holy water" - it nourishes and cares for our cells.

So if you're juicing and removing all the insoluble fiber
(into the jug), don't worry about it, knowing that the juice you get from
Our cold pressed juice is pure and unadulterated, just as nature intended.
Wanted - the healthiest juice on the planet!

Your body doesn't have to work as hard to get rid of insoluble fiber,
The slow juicer has done it for you. You can drink it and your cells
can use it - almost immediately!


Soluble fiber nourishes us, is easily digested and stays in our bodies.
in cold pressed juice.

Insoluble fiber is believed to have a laxative effect.
toxic, indigestible and will be excreted.


Cold pressed juice lasts longer when stored

Because you have extracted the juice using a slow pressing process, the crushing and
Squeezing is not only beneficial
is a juice that tastes better and can also be stored in a glass bottle.
Refrigerate for 3 days.

This is because oxygen is not drawn into the slow juicer when extracting the juice,
So it will naturally have a longer shelf life in the fridge.

This is great because you can make your juice in bulk.

Imagine shopping for seasonal produce at your local Farmers Market.
you and then squeeze it all in to get ready for your new week!

This is a great way to maximize your preparation and save money.
time, money and effort in the process.

Cold pressed juice can be made in larger quantities and stored in
Refrigerator, ready to drink when you need it.

It will enrich your life and give you a new way to
Bringing many important ingredients into your body that Mother Nature has given you.


No oxidation means fresh cold pressed juice can last up to 72 hours