So what happens to the fiber? This is a common question about juicing, and we’re happy to answer it! Before we get into the details, let’s take a look at what fiber is and the two different types of fiber.

What is fiber?

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that forms the structure of all plant foods. There are two types of fiber: soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. Although this carbohydrate cannot be absorbed or digested by the body, it helps regulate the body's use of sugar, keeping hunger and blood sugar levels under control.

What is soluble fiber?

Soluble fiber dissolves in water in the stomach and intestines. It turns into a gel-like substance that slows down digestion; so you feel fuller for longer after meals high in fiber. Soluble fiber also releases fewer calories when consumed and will reduce fat absorption, which helps with weight control. The great thing about juicing vegetables is that most of the fiber in the juice is soluble fiber.

What is insoluble fiber?

Insoluble fiber absorbs liquid and sticks to other materials to form stool. This is why insoluble fiber helps promote bowel movements and maintain regularity. Unlike soluble fiber, insoluble fiber is not a source of calories. It fills up space in your stomach and intestines, making you feel fuller. In terms of insoluble fiber and juice, most of the insoluble fiber is removed, but some remains.

Benefits of Juice Without Insoluble Fiber

Along with the many benefits of juicing fruits and vegetables , there are some benefits we enjoy when the insoluble fiber is removed.

Smoother and clearer juice texture

If you're sensitive to juicing with a gritty texture, you'll appreciate that the pulp, also known as insoluble fiber, is removed. You'll have clearer juice with a vibrant flavor.

Consume more

Juicing is an easy way to consume more nutrients without feeling too full at your next meal. That’s because there’s no insoluble fiber to fill your stomach! Eating a plate of fruits and vegetables in one sitting can be difficult; drinking them, however, is as simple as taking a sip of a glass.

Faster absorption

From the moment you take your first sip, the nutrients begin to flow into your bloodstream. The nutrients are absorbed immediately because there are no solids to get in the way. This means that the juice is converted into energy very quickly. Many people like this because they can replace caffeine with juice.

You may be wondering how to consume insoluble fiber when it is separated out along with the pulp, and luckily, there are many ways! The pulp can be reused in smoothies, breads, muffins, soups, desserts, and more. If you don’t like baking and still want to consume insoluble fiber, one option is to add a spoonful of pulp back into your juice. This is an easy way to get both types of fiber in one gulp. Another option is to add chia seeds. Chia seeds are full of fiber and are often found in juices for that reason.

We encourage you to talk to your doctor or dietitian before starting juicing if you are pregnant, have minor or major health issues, or have any other concerns.

Now, get juicing! Enjoy a glass of juice, save the pulp for a nutrient-packed recipe, and you'll be getting your fill of fiber in no time.

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