One of my new favorite juice recipes, and if this is something you must drink to detox and cleanse your body then trust me.

Drinking green juice daily is one of the BEST things you can do for your health because green juice is the ultimate food to detoxify, cleanse and heal your body.

Green juice contains chlorophyll (the blood of plants) and has a remarkable similarity to our blood (hemoglobin).

When you drink a glass of fresh cold-pressed green juice every day, your body receives a source of living, concentrated, powerful, easily absorbed nutrients that provide many benefits to the body.

Let's take a look at some of the benefits of green juice:

  • Bright and healthy skin
  • Improved energy
  • Losing weight
  • Stable digestion
  • Rich in amino acids for building proteins
  • Rich in vitamin K for calcium
  • Rich in plant-based iron

Have fun squeezing !


The taste is very “appealing” with just the right amount of sweetness to balance the spiciness. The juice is clear, refreshing and very easy to drink.


  • 1 celery stalk
  • 1 cucumber
  • 2 apples
  • 1/2 bell pepper (green)
  • 1 handful of parsley
  • 1 ginger knob (2cm)
  • 1 Jalapeno pepper

Pressing time : 3 minutes
Juice volume : 600ml
Servings : 2 people



  • Cut the celery into finger-sized pieces, cutting along the stem (this helps shorten the long fibers and prevents them from wrapping around the juicer).
  • You can juice celery leaves, however they will give the juice a bitter taste, so remove them if you don't like the taste.
  • Use with REVO830 [KSp-2428CB] : No need to cut into small pieces
  • Use with AUTO10 [KHS-2520CB] : Cut pieces to fit in the feed box


  • Cut into pieces that fit the feeding mouth
  • Leave the skin on to press.


  • Remove the stem of the apple and any labels that are attached to the apple.
  • Squeeze the whole fruit including the skin and seeds.
  • Cut in half or quarters if fruit is too large to fit through feeding spout


  • Chop leaves and stems
  • Squeeze one handful at a time


  • Rinse and drain.
  • Cut into thin slices about the size of a fingernail, leaving the skin on.

jalapeno pepper

  • Cut off the end with the hard stem.
  • Cut in half and remove seeds.
    (You can juice the seeds but only if you like spicy food!!!)

Cold pressing method

Start making this juice by cutting the cucumber into pieces.

Once the cucumbers have been juiced through the juicer, add handfuls of celery, let the juicer run and juice each handful.

Next add ginger, jalapeno and bell pepper.

Take a handful of parsley, squeeze it into a small ball in your hand and put it in the juicer.

Finally add the firm apples to help push the parsley into the press shaft.

Tip : This can be very spicy depending on the type of jalapeno you use and whether or not you press the seeds. Try cutting off a small piece of the tip and taste it before pressing.


How to arrange ingredients with AUTO10 machine : Parsley, Cucumber, Jalapeno, Apple, Celery, Ginger